Open Fire for an Open House

It was my first open house...and I was sooo excited! I had planned to make the day seemless and near perfect. The morning began with gathering all my supplies I would need for the many buyers I had hopes of meeting that day! I wanted to look so perfect...who wouldn't want me as their agent? The company I work for supplied balloons and helium free of charge for us and we were encouraged to use them! Awesome idea...balloons on all my signs...drawing attention to my outstanding open house! My son came with me to help me cram as many balloons as we could possibly cram in the back of our Land Rover! The wind blowing that day made even loading them in a chore. Oops...lost a couple to the ozone layer already.

We pull off the side of the dirt road with hazard lights blinking to start posting signs of my open house. He grabs signs to go in front of the car ...I head behind the car. Focusing on hammering signs into the ground, we don't even notice the wind that has funnelled through the open doors of the car and has blown out several balloons tied together. Seconds later, we hear a large BOOM from up in the air that caught our attention. Quickly diverting our attention to the source of the sound.. we see sparks flying out...and beautiful pieces of red shooting several feet out into a large open, dry weeds field. 4th of July happens to be my favorite holiday and for a mere second my mind thought, "How beautiful, I wonder how that happened?"

Momentarily...those beautiful sparks scattered onto the ground instantly igniting the dry brush underneath it, and quickly became 6 inch flames! "Holy Moly! FIRE!" I screamed to my son as he meandered over to observe the sight. Still baffled we look terrified at each other thinking, "What are YOU gonna do to put that out?"

Luckily, I had a cloth in the car and he had big fast feet! As we frantically ran around batting out flames, I noticed how several cars had passed, probably wondering what those crazy people were doing in the middle of flames but, no one offers to help! What happened in seconds, felt like minutes. Thankfully, not long after only smoke was rising up where flames had once been.

Bending over to catch my breath, my son giggles. I, however, have visions of cuffs on my wrists being taken away for arson. A truck with 2 men finally pull over and ask, "You two OK? Lady, we called the fire department for you just in case those flames start up again."

"Oh brother"... I'm thinkin', "How do I get out of here quick so I can't be attached to the crime!?" As we wait, the pieces fall together. It seems I couldn't have planned a fire better even if I tried. As it turns out, rubber balloons burn hot and long, and metallic string hanging from balloons is a great conductor of electricity! Especially when it wraps around a power line directly above where open house signs with beautiful red balloons are. Add a dry open field and your life as you know it could be over!

As I cross my wrists for handcuffs waiting for the firemen now arriving to haul me away I say to the men who so kindly called the firemen,"Please tell my family I love them".Smiling, the men say, "Lady, we got your back. Let us do the talking." I thought, "Sure, why not? Stranger things have happened." Well actually, not really.

As the firemen approach asking how the fire started, these guys say, "We don't know, but what we do know is this superwoman and her son put it out. We watched them!" Gulping (hoping the guilt on my face doesn't give me away), the firemen thank and dismiss us so that they can clear the area and make sure all is under control.

It turns out, I was late to my open house. After my sweaty armpits dried, and my heart returned to normal beating, I welcomed in my new clients. Suddenly, the open house wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Hmm...wonder if my clothes smelled like smoke that day?

Welcome to my blog where you will find a series of life happenings, stories, and adventures as a real estate agent that are actually entertaining and helpful at the same time! One can hope, can't she? Sit back, relax, grab some coffee, lets become friends!

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