So You think you wanna be a buyer in 2010?

Buying a home may be the biggest financial purchase a person can make. Add to it the emotions involved...and it may be one of the biggest decisions one can make in a lifetime too! If you are considering buying a may already be scared senseless. A favorite saying of mine is "expect the best, but just in prepared for the worst!" I ....your trusty fellow real estate agent willingly accepts the responsibility to prepare you for the worst!

When my friends talk to me about a hard situation they may be facing..they usually hear me say "so...lets see...whats the worst that can happen here?" Ok...before you think I'm a doom and gloom fuddy duddy...give me a fair shake. I have heard it said 70% of what one fears never comes true. So, facing the worst means about 30% chance it will come true. Assuming it does, wouldn't you want an agent to prepare you for as much of that as possible so when something happens it doesn't seem so earth shattering?

My slogan "giving the service I would expect" kinda fits in here. I would expect to have someone hold my hand, and perhaps guide me when a large decision is needing to be made. It really is a tough market out there today. I am not completely sure I would want to be in the shoes of a new buyer right now unless I felt I had the help, guidance and support of someone who knew what i didn't.

Consider me a life line! Relax...I am here to make the process as easy as possible. I'm successful when you are safely tucked in bed in your new home! You dream....and I'll do the dirty work!

First...lets pretend you are entering a market that makes no sense what so ever. Ok, it's not pretending. Ask anyone who has worked this market for a bit and you will get the same answer. Remember you parents telling you "use your common sense!?" Lets assume there is none. (This is the part where I help you prepare for the market!) Come on now...your up for a challenge right?

A fellow agent friend tells me on a regular basis to "put my big girl panties on in this market!" I think she is trying to gently remind me I have to work a bit harder these days and not to be a baby just because things are a tad tough! So...maybe a nice pair of panties should be your first purchase! Challenges just make the home we find you more sweet! If you think your mentality is described as a bit "old school"...we may need to work a little new school magic!

To be successful,we will need some creative thinking, some patience, and some heart! I think your new middle name is "flexible" (funny...that's my middle name too!). Hang on tight! Everything's gonna be just fine...I promise!

Welcome to my blog where you will find a series of life happenings, stories, and adventures as a real estate agent that are actually entertaining and helpful at the same time! One can hope, can't she? Sit back, relax, grab some coffee, lets become friends!

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