The Perfect Match!

One of the greatest parts of being a Real Estate Agent, is when a magical moment occurs. In todays market I must admit...those moments can seem few and far between. But when they happen they are sweeeet!

Recently I had the good fortune to experience one of those moments. The home seller in this story is a couple that have loved and cared for their house. It has truly been their home for many great years and it shows in the look and the feel of the home. The buyers in this story have been looking for a home for quite some time. Years actually. They have dreamed, and wished, and planned, and waited. They were the type of buyer that was willing to outwait the market until their dream house appeared. did.

Magic. As the negotiation of the purchase comes to completion, the moment comes alive with relief, anticipation, excitment, dreams to fulfill and new memories to make. I stand in the mix of all the players watching with a smile. Glancing at one of the buyers I notice tears in her eyes as she says "I have waited so long for this home". Another buyer sees her tears and begins to cry himself as he joins in her joy. The sellers...happy that their home will continue being loved as much as they have loved it begin to join the streaming of tears. Family follows suit.

A moment just shy of a miracle! And..of course my camera was no where to be found! But the moment in time is etched in my brain as a moment I will remember for a very long time! What dreams are made of.....thats good stuff!

How to Be A Successful Buyer in an Unsuccessful Market

Giving information on how to be a successful buyer in such a tough market might be a tricky post. It is truly my ultimate goal to make you successful. If you win, I win! It's simple! So, I will be paying attention to what you say, because it is important! After all, this will be your purchase, not mine. But, ultimately, listening must be a two way street. I can go to work and find you what you want, but you may only be able to acquire it if you listen to me to! It sounds like fun right? I love this job!

OK, here I go on my little soapbox. There is no making sense of this market. No easy to follow rules. Sorry. But, if I prepare you for the worst,we can't lose right?
Imagine calling a real estate agent because you think you are ready to buy a home (I'm still waiting patiently for your call by the way!). You immediately want to go see homes because that's the fun part! Maybe something sparked your advertisement, a sign etc. Let me ask a seemingly unrelated question here for just a second. What's your favorite food? (Go ahead...take your time to pick). Now...imagine me holding that just outside of your mouth, but close enough to smell! How long would you trust me...or like me for that matter? The old saying "holding a sugar cube in front of the horse" (no, I'm not calling you a horse) applies here. Truly, that's what I would be doing if I took you out to see homes immediately! I would be setting you up for failure...and me for that matter.

This market is a fast paced market no matter what you are being told. There are some great deals out there. But homes are still going for very close if not more than the appraised value..and usually there are multiple offers on every home. Homes are being sold very quickly and if you are not prepared mentally and financially to purchase the day you go to look at homes, you will miss the boat every time. It is part of my job to equip and prepare you before I take you out into this big bad world of real estate, or we will all look like dogs chasing our tails! (I personally get dizzy going round and round, so it is not my favorite thing to do!)

I can and will prepare you for the market and all its many pitfalls. I know how to help you be successful, and will give the service I would expect someone to give me in purchasing a home...or anything else for that matter. I love taking care of my clients...It makes me who I am.

Quick, like a bunny, call me! I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Welcome to my blog where you will find a series of life happenings, stories, and adventures as a real estate agent that are actually entertaining and helpful at the same time! One can hope, can't she? Sit back, relax, grab some coffee, lets become friends!

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